“The tide of my love
Has risen so high
Let me flood over you.Close your eyes for a moment
And maybe all your fears and fantasies
Will end.If that happened
God would become an infant
In your arms
And you would have to nurse all
“The tide of my love
Has risen so high
Let me flood over you.Close your eyes for a moment
And maybe all your fears and fantasies
Will end.If that happened
God would become an infant
In your arms
And you would have to nurse all
Welcome to this space that is a blend of Traveling & Spirituality.
I am greeting you with love.
“You should write a blog.” said the stranger I met when I was in the desert in Iran. I heard this for many times before from different people but this time it was different. He said it in the most natural and deep way. His sincere voice, his simple words were like giving a voice to my divine inspiration within. At that exact moment, the deep rooted light arose inside of me and I decided to create this blog as a way of opening, as a way to touch upon many hearts.
Here is the foreword of what this work is all about.
Regarding Traveling
In my childhood I remember how I was so excited to watch travel programs on tv or lose myself in the pages of travel magazines and encyclopedias. I guess growing up in a little touristy town in west Anatolia, having the chance to get in touch with different cultures in this international environment hightened my influence for traveling. All my life I have carried this impulse to travel and explore the world. And eventually traveling became one of the highest source of inspirations in my life.
My first solo backpacking experience was in 2008 to Europe when I had the chance to visit eleven countries that time. But ‘my travels that began in October 2017 and have been going on since then’ are the subject of this work.

Regarding Spirituality
All my life, I have had an inner instinct, an inner impulse, a willingness to search and learn what the existence, this life, myself is all about. This search of Being was subtle in the past but it became more and more visible in time and took an extensive place in my heart. So spirituality is one of the two main ingredients of this work.
When I say spirituality I don’t mean religion. Spirituality is a way of living a conscious life. It is the art of entering into one’s silence by the practice of deep inner listening. When we begin spirituality things go into question, putting us in the edge of discovery in the unknown. Spirituality doesn’t truely begin until we start to relinquish grasping onto the known so tightly (what we know, what we think, all the self definitions and the narrative of the mind). Spirituality needs an inward willingness to enter into the mystery of being. Without this, it is just a bunch of words and ideas.
When we give our attention and ourselves to the depths of this listening, the quality and the meaning of our lives change dramatically. ‘Every being, myself and life matters’ is one of the core expressions of spirituality. It’s about what we care and value in life. When we give our attention to what we truely value in life then we are on the path to reach our fullest potential.

Regarding my motivations and intentions that shape this work
I would like to stimulate the readers sense of curiosity for inner and outer discovery. I would like to show how traveling and spirituality can serve as the ways that unfold our fullest potential and inner peace gradually. I wish to reach out to the like-hearted travelers, spiritual seekers and practitioners and open the ground for connection and collaboration.
A Zen proverb says; “No seed ever sees the flower”. So I can not foresee where this work will reach. But my highest intention is to touch upon souls and initiate nourishment and wisdom through what has been served to me from life and beyond. I hope to be a mirror and reflect what is seeking to be seen. By this way I intend to serve life for the benefit of all beings. This will be my greatest gift.
Regarding what is there for you in the pages
The essays in the ‘Destination’ folder cover almost 70 destinations in 8 different countries so far. They include many elements about the nature, landscapes, cultures, traditions and my observations and experiences through them. These pages can be seen as a travelogue, a travel journal, first written during my journeys then edited for publication. It can also be taken as a basic itinerary, helping the readers to plan their travel. But they don’t include all the must-see places but rather the remote destinations mostly. As we all know there is incredible amount of data in the internet that would be more than enough for you. Besides I believe it is always more adventurous to discover the practical things on our own.
The essays involve my inner experiences, explorations, insights, realizations and how my heart and the universe initiated the ways for me to move on to a freer dimension, from dream to a more awake state. They also contain some spiritual practices, perspectives and the teachings of wisdom of different traditions I’ve come across in different countries in my travels.

Travel writing records our progress in time and space. Therefore in the pages you will find joy, happiness, excitement, peace or profound moments of bliss as well as efforts, doubts, pain, suffering, fear or struggles. All these are aspects of human nature that reside in all of us. We all want happiness and do not want to suffer. This is our common ground. Therefore I believe some parts of these pages will be resonating in you. At some points I also shared the broad perspectives and the guidances of different teachings that leaded me to openings from suffering or illusion. If any of these vibrate in you while reading, please stop for a moment and let the words sink in your awareness. Maybe there will be something beneficial, inspirational for you there.
I love taking photographs therefore the essays also involve hundreds of pictures. I hope you will enjoy them. But please remember the stories are the essential foundation of what I wish to present to you. If you are interested in the integrity of the whole story, in the evolution of my awareness and experiences through traveling, I suggest you to read them in chronological order, in the way they stand in the line. Many of us have the tendency to surf with a high speed on internet but I will be more than happy if you treat these pages as if you are reading a book, so that my intention would be able to meet its potential. So as we are starting, I kindly invite you to slow down.
I really hope you enjoy.
With Great Love,